05 January 2007

A New Blog...New Big Ideas

Some people make new year's resolutions for themselves. They make resolutions to do small things that affect only themselves--losing weight, being better parents, volunteering for charities.

My resolution isn't like that. My resolution is to revive my blog--this blog. This isn't like other blogs. As the subtitle says, this is an "archtypical blog" that seeks to explore the bigger picture, big ideas that have a resonance in modern society and even ancient societies.

My last blog had to be discontinued for a number of reasons. One was that its draw on my time was enormous. The writing itself didn't take a lot of time--I would only write a few paragraphs maybe once a week--but it's draw on my mental capacities and emotional resilience was enormous.

Sure there was also the "hater" problem. Some spamming roughnecks were intimidated by my resolve to blog about the important issues facing humanity. But they didn't bother me at all, and they didn't affect my resolve. In fact, it isn't a problem for me to ignore them and their small ideas.

Changing the name of this blog and not offering a link from my old blog should help the situation, but it doesn't mean I am running from the haters. To the contrary, I am facing the problem head-on by excluding these haters with small ideas that are so unlike my own.

Discourse is the most important thing--the only important thing--and by excluding haters and their ilk, I think that this blog can best achieve its goal of free and unfettered discourse.

So here's my resolution--blog. The world will only be a better place for it.


Anonymous said...

Why "Sokrates' Place" instead of "Socrates' Place"?

Anonymous said...

If one must ask why, then perhaps the point is proven