06 February 2007

Scaling Up the Economy of Ideas

Taking a quick scan over the comments to my last post (I have to admit that I typically don't have the time for more than a cursory glance over the comments) two things struck me.

One was that there is an interest in my reading public for my look at the big ideas of the future. Now I don't consider myself to be a Futurist by any rights--I'm not even a big fan of Sci-Fi movies--but I do have some ideas on what the big ideas of the future will be.

Appropriately enough, I will save those ideas for a future blog.

The other thing that struck me is that my readership is truly global. One commenter, Mr. Peng, had this to say:

"Bei shui che xin."

Now I don't know exactly what this says because I don't read Portuguese or really any other foreign languages, but I think I get the gist of it. In addition to Mr. Peng offering his thanks to me for blogging about the big concepts and ideas of today, he is asking me about globalism.

Now globalism is an important idea, and it is intrinsically related to the economy. To make things simple for you, economy is all about "wealth." Wealth is something that a country wants to take in and not give out--much like the wealth that you and I show by having a high credit limit on our credit cards.

So a country wants to import more goods and services than it exports in order to build up wealth.

Now that is where globalism fits in. If there are more countries on the globe with which to trade, then all of the countries can bring more wealth into their own countries.

So when they say "We are living in a global economy," they aren't just sharing a silly aphorism. It's actually true.

And judging by the international readership of this blog, we can also say "We are living in a global blogosphere of big ideas."


Anonymous said...

Thomas Friedman could not have put it better himself. Nor could Sokrates, I might add. I'll leave my defense of historians for a future comment.

Anonymous said...

I believe it was Alex Keaton who noted, "Globalization is not about small things."

Anonymous said...

If globalism is about the economy and the economy is about wealth and wealth is about a high credit card limit, then shouldn't we call it "Global Express" instead of "American Express"? Otherwise aren't we being parochial?

Anonymous said...

--If there are more countries on the globe with which to trade, then all of the countries can bring more wealth--

Hey, I have an idea! Why don't we all get a bunch of dirt and spread it around?!! If everyone in the world did that, then the world would get bigger and there would be room for more countries on the globe! And then everybody would get rich!!!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous: You are obvously in the wrong blog! We are talking about BIG ideas here! Simply making the earth larger is not a BIG idea! Exploring other planets so we can identify new forms of life and sell them i-pods and Vegematics - now THAT's a big idea!

The web is a large place, so I am sure that you can find a home for your small ideas! Tell THEM about your shoddy, ill-conceived dirt moving schemes!!

Anonymous said...

You obviously have NO frame of reference. Increasing the size of the planet is a VERY BIG idea. Since you are so hung up on extraterrestrial Ponzi schemes, then think about this: if we increase the size of the planet then we will increase the gravitational pull of the earth, thereby pulling neighboring planets into our sphere of economic influence. How about that!

But then again you're probably laying on your cheetoh crumb laden couch at home, watching Star Trek re-runs, too sodden in your diet Dr. Pepper haze to realize what a BIG IDEA that is!!!

Anonymous said...

Clever blog, but just a Terrible comments section. Hopefully this one stays around long enough to find a decent audience. These guys suck.